© 2014 Eliot Grigo
Ingrid Ellison is a painter and arts educator working in oil, mixed media and visual journals. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Ingrid’s earliest memories of Maine were floating aboard a little sloop amidst the fog and rocks of the coastline during family vacations. Since moving to Maine in 2007 Ingrid has exhibited at the Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Åarhus Gallery, the University of Maine Bangor, the Cynthia Winings Gallery and AVA Gallery and Center for the Arts and the Carver Hill Gallery.
Ingrid Ellison is a graduate of Skidmore College and earned her MFA from American University. As an undergraduate she spent a year studying printmaking at Il Bisonte in Florence, Italy. A consummate learner, Ingrid has participated in residencies and workshops notably at the Vermont Studio Center, Maine College of Art, and Castle Hill Center for the Arts. Ingrid has a passion for sharing what she does with a greater community and makes connections with students both school aged and adult.